Tuesday, October 11, 2005


My take on Mr. Jack Thompson....

First off, here are my credentials: A 26 year old Young male of mixed race(white, philippino). I had a Colecovision, NES, N64, Apple IIe clone for my Infocomm games, XBOX, Sony Playstation and a PC. Also had some board games like Aggravation and Scrabble.

I really think that Jack Thompson is not genuine about his current actions. He is doing what he does because that's what pays the bills. If he really cared about the safety of the children, then he really should start off by advocating parenting and education.

I grew up in good ol Vallejo, CA. Just 35 minutes from San Francisco, CA. The only thing about it is that you can compare this place very well to East Oakland. The one thing I saw from my experiences is that video games has absolutly NOTHING to do about violent behavior. The gangsta punks up the street didn't learn how to load and fire a gun from a video game. Video games may reflect shooting people, but the real reason behind kids pulling triggers against others has been that they often hated each other and have no respect for human lives. I hardly see how video games such as GTA:San Andreas makes a kid hate others at his school. It would give them idea's on how to dispatch with their enemy, but the idea has been in there a while and was not set in by a video game.

Parenting comes into play here. If you are a parent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to teach YOUR KID the differences between right and wrong, even if you have to resort to drastic measures. What will happen 20 years down the road and you do not have controll over them? For example, My father was diagnosed with ALS(Lou Gehrigs Disease) I moved back in to help out. I still play video games, but I have had no inclination to murder anyone. I value human life because of how short it can be. Teach this to your children and you will see some changes for the better.

Oh and as for Mr. Jack Thompson, The reason you didn't win in Florida under the GOP bill is that you value Safety over Personal Responsibility. Remember, Personal Responsibility is the cornerstone to the Conservative part of the political system. To put Safety as such, you should have ran as a Liberal instead.

If you plan to call me names, I remind you that adults do not do such things. If you plan to make a suggestion about my mental state, only a Doctor of Medicine and Mental health can make that assertation. Last time I checked, you aren't a doctor, but a stinkin lawyer.

-Awesom e Man
City of Heroes - Victory Server

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