Thursday, September 13, 2007
To the Anti-War groups out there...
The anarchists in your midsts who are desecrating the monuments is NOT helping your cause. It's making you to look like a bunch of assholes and fucknuggets. When I have a disagreement of your views, I don't go out there and slay and murder your kind. I am slowly preparing to change my views if you keep this up. The Vietnam memorial and Betty Ong are to name a few.
Yes I do see killing the desecraters as the equivalent "pound of flesh" for the attempts to destroy other peoples memories. The only thing that is holding me back is that there has been nothing destructive yet happened to any memorials.
Clean out your ranks of assholes who just want to piss off people, for they will bring you doom. The same message goes out to the middle east.
Yes I do see killing the desecraters as the equivalent "pound of flesh" for the attempts to destroy other peoples memories. The only thing that is holding me back is that there has been nothing destructive yet happened to any memorials.
Clean out your ranks of assholes who just want to piss off people, for they will bring you doom. The same message goes out to the middle east.